January 2025 Meeting

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
I hope everyone had a chance to relax with family and friends over the Holidays, and it’s time to meet again!
Our January meeting will be on Saturday, January 18th at the Fall City Firehouse at 9am, those wanting breakfast will meet at the Raging River Bar and Grill at 8am.
Don’t forget the Albany Fly Expo in March 7th and 8th at the Linn County Fairgrounds, they are still accepting tiers if your available, its a great time.
This month we will be tying a Tay River pattern, The Smith, this fly was tied up to a 10/0 and used by Harling, a method like today’s use of Hot Shot’s. A fisherman payed out a long line and the Ghilly rowed the boat over known lies, back and forth and then dropped down little by little. It was also tied large for tidal waters and high Spring fishing, where 3/0 to 7/0 were common. So if you like tying a little larger here is a fly for you! The only real problem was the length of your winging materials. I am going to tie either 5/0 or 6/0, so see Byron for those hooks, the Harrisons are awesome. This fly as you can see from the photo and recipe (thank you Linda) it has an oval silver body separated by hackles. As with a body hackle we want to have a taper and flow, so each hackle should be a little longer than the last one until you reach the throat. I will have more information written on the white board at the meeting. If you have Rooster necks or colored Saddles they will work well, in Yellow, Red, and Blue, also have Gallina hackles too. This fly uses GP Spears for the underwing, which I can’t stand due to them being stiff as a board, thin and have no shape. So, you can substitute hackles in red and claret, 2 of each, they will lay nice and low for you. Or be traditional and use the spears, I’ll have them with me also. When it comes to the wing, if you do not have Grey Mottled Turkey tail, substitute with Amhurst, if your GP Tails are not long enough, use Brown turkey tails, you can be creative and still stay within the recipe. It doesn’t have a lot of add on’s so that’s nice for a change! I will bring along some nice long Brown Turkey Tails for those needing them.
I would look over the pattern card and perhaps spend a few minutes selecting hackles in the colors stated above. You can use either medium or large oval tinsels for this fly, I have seen it tied with flat and an oval rib too. See Ben for all your tinsel needs, give him a message. 
Don’t forget to ask Dareld for any book or thumb drive in our library, a great resource for our members, so use it.
Bring a fly for the Archives if you haven’t done so already, Hunter is busy trying to get it updated and your help is appreciated.
Also you might contact Garren Wood, he takes care of our Salmon Guild’s online presence, and send him pictures to up date the flies on the site, I plan on doing so in the weeks to follow. It’s nice to have it refreshed for those looking into our group, as we have so much to offer tiers interested in tying Classic Salmon Flies. 
A shout out to our resident I.T. guru Mark for working hard behind the scenes to have our on-line members up and running, he has changed the format and camera’s to bring everyone a better experience for our meetings. From the feedback I have received, it seems to be much better for in house members, as well as those at home. As you can see this whole thing is not a one man show, so many contribute to our meetings and all that entails, Mark, I thank you.
Coffee will be on, beverages in the cooler and lunch provided as usual. I look forward to seeing you all on Saturday the 18th!
The Smith

The Smith

November 2024 Meeting

It’s time to raise the bar as far as our tying goes, the next 3 months will take us to new places! Our meeting will be on Saturday November 16th at 9am at the Fall City Firehouse. I have been told that the Raging River Cafe has closed, and I don’t know of another location for breakfast in the area, perhaps someone more familiar could recommend a new location for those wanting breakfast before the meeting.
If you haven’t paid your dues please contact Steve or you can pay Megan at brocco.megan@gmail.com  dues are $40.00.
The Oregon Fly Expo is coming up in March, fly registration has been sent out by Hal Gordon, so if you plan on tying, contact Hal or send in the electronic registration soon. We always have a good Guild showing, and its a great time with all our friends!
This month we will attempt to dress the Floodtide, by Kelson, this pattern is what I consider a “crossover” fly, incorporating the Eagle hackles along with a mixed married wing. I have talked to Byron about hooks and I recommend a long shank hook, as this fly was a Spring fly or a pattern to use with high water, hence the name Floodtide. Please get a hold of Byron and get the proper hook, we think a 4/0 or 5/0 will suit this fly well. Next months fly will also be tied larger so be prepared.
Remember to try for that antique tip/tag, so think smaller. Low Tails, and one that is open and full (good barb count) I have shown you how to get them to lay low and how to open them up, so employ that with this fly. Woodduck should fit inside the tail and extend about 3/4 of the way into the tail. Four colors of seal are used in the body, two tinsels I would go with a large flat and lace or oval. Ben is the go to guy for the tinsels, so touch bases with him for those needs. Start to sort through your hackles for the Eagle feather, a good substitute is a thin stemmed Marabou dyed yellow or Golden Yellow, you will strip one side, these flys can get away from you if you don’t eliminate one side, too fluffy. You want to kinda see the body colors through the hackle. A Red or Crimson Gallina hackle is used for the throat.
For the underwing it calls for G.P. Spears, these can be tough to handle, the smaller ones are the ticket. But, I was playing around this week and you can substitute hackles instead, use 2 Red and 2 Claret Rooster neck hackles, back to back. The color represents the spears and will be easier to tie in. Something to think about anyway. Then Jungle Cock gets tied in over the hackles or spears. For the wing remember to slim them down some, only 4 materials are used, Bustard, Amhurst, yellow and red. I like somewhere between 12 and 16 fibers, and set the low right over the underwing. But again, your tying this thing, do what feels good. Lastly, there are 2 sets of Jungle cock used, sides and cheeks. Try to balance the length of the sides so the are evenly spaced, then again for the cheeks. 
That’s about all for this months fly, it’s a pretty one for sure.
Ben has been handling the vice attachment purchase and the Traherne book for those interested, please get a hold of him.
Also remember we have an extensive Library which is handled by Dareld, being as large as it is you will have to contact him so the items can be brought to the meeting. Also Jim McKinnon has spent an enormous amount of time taking our old tapes and digitally formatting them onto thumb drives, thank you Jim for the hard work. So use the materials we have on hand and talk to Dareld about securing those items. 
Coffee will be on, cold beverages in the cooler and lunch will be provided for those attending. Mark will have the online presence for our members who can’t attend.


October 2024 Meeting

Our first meeting will be on Saturday October 19th, at the Fall City Firehouse at 9am. Those wanting breakfast will meet at the Raging River Cafe at 8am.
I hope you all are well and have been enjoying your beautiful summer weather! Well its that time of year again to get back together and continue our journey into Classic Salmon Fly tying. Due to the fact that some of our members will be heading up to Calgary for the ASFI 24′ with many of them heading up to fish, I postponed the September meeting. I wish them the very best and hope the will represent our group and continue this great event.
Dues are due for the new year and can be sent to Megan Brocco at brocco.megan@gmail.com they are $40.00 for the year. Thank you.
For our first meeting we will be having a Tri-Fecta of flies to select, the Fiery Brown (Rogan), the Thunder & Lightning (Wright) and the Lady Caroline.
 I selected these flies as being fairly simplistic in their construction, but by no way easy. As with all things, understanding the construction, materials and methods to use to achieve your desired results is our goal. That being said, I have been asked to go back to the beginning, and show how I fully gut a Salmon hook, and then do an underbody. I usually show up with that done already, but we will do the start up process together. Hooks can be procured from our resident Hook Maker Byron, and I would think around a 1/0 will do just fine, even a little smaller is ok too.
I will write some of the points to consider on the whiteboard, as some like the idea as we move into the construction of each pattern. If it helps I will continue, if not we can stop it, your feedback is important here. While these patterns have the classic components like tip, tag and tail they don’t have all the busy accouterments other patterns may have. I would like to start to slowly build up to more difficult flies as we progress. I would like to work on Upright Mallard Wings this month, while its easy to talk about, it’s a little more difficult to pull off correctly. I will show you a few tricks to use which can give you some options during construction, and how the “Style” can change the look of the fly. We also will employ Tippets in strands, but I will show you some methods ( you may already use) to help you if the strand thing isn’t your cup of tea! Herl heads or Wool head will be used too. The Thunder & Lighting wing is one where you can use different methods and Materials depending on the size of fly being tied. A foundation is very helpful in tying these flies, it gives support for the soft flimsy Bronze Mallard strips to lay against, here I employ strips of Mottled Brown Turkey strips. An underwing of sorts, it gives a solid foundation for the main wing of Mallard, 2 strips on each side. That gives us a nice deep color to the wing. The Tippet strips do the same for the Fiery Brown, again we will be tying “Upright” Mallard Wings as our monthly technique. And finally I threw in the Lady Caroline, a very popular and widely use fly even today. Although the fly uses Bronze Mallard wings, they are tied in low and tented over the body, “Spey” fly style. Multiple tinsels are used on the Caroline along with a flowing Heron (or substitute) feather up the body and a throat of G.P. Flank or breast feather. 
That should consume our day together, give you a few tricks and ideas you can use on other patterns down the road. As always the feedback from the group is instrumental in helping me try to provide quality meeting content, which will move you forward in your tying. So please think about where you are as a Salmon tier, give me either patterns you want to attempt, questions about fly interpretation and materials, anything YOU need help with. It’s easier for me to bring you content when I get ideas from you guys! I can throw stuff together and just put our heads down and bang em’ out, but what’s the sense in that? Been there, done that… but have you gotten better? The level of your tying ability is a direct result of understanding and practice. So, give that some thought and provide me ideas and flies we can do together to get you where you feel motivated, engaged and wanting to tie a better fly. 
If anyone needs a shirt of something embroidered let me know, we can put an order in.
As usual we will have the coffee on, lunch provided and cold beverages waiting for you. Look forward to seeing you all, and hope we can have a full house for our first meeting!   

April 2024 Meeting

Hello Gang!
Our April meeting will be held on Saturday April 20th, at the Fall City Firehouse at 9am, those wanting breakfast will meet at the Raging River Cafe at 8am.
This month we will be tying The Green Highlander, there are two main patterns for this fly, Kelson and Pryce-Tannett. You can tie either one and the Kelson version is easier for sure, but I have posted Pryce-Tannett’s recipe. Also you can see I have two pictures within the recipe card. I usually tie a varient of sorts as I like some of the touches each pattern gives. P.E.T’s version uses silk floss for the body in the recipe, but I usually use Green seal. Also P.E.T uses silver tinsel (flat) for the tip/tag, I like oval and yellow floss. Tippets in strands are used in P.E.T’s pattern, while Kelson uses 2 tippets, I also use whole tippets and trim them down. You can get very creative with the wing, as seen in the picture, or go straight forward as in the second picture, your choice. The fly has ALL the accoutrements you could ask for, Woodduck and Teal, Jungle Cock, and Indian Crow, Mallard Roof, Horns and a Topping!! Don’t forget next month we tackle the King, the Jock Scott, so I’m gearing you up!
Hook size can vary, but I’ll probably tie 3/0 LS, Harrison or something like that. Not too big. Byron has all your hook needs, so hit him up!
I will have the things to look out for written on the white board, as usual before we dive in, if you want that sort of thing?
Coffee will be on, cold beverages in the cooler and lunch provided for the group.
A shout out to our friend Ben, who was in a car accident and hoping he is doing well and is on the road to recovery?? Also a special thank you to our International Ambassador Linda, who every month provides us with the recipe card attached to our email, Thank you Linda!
That’s it, see you all soon,

Green Highlander

January 2024 Meeting

Thought I would send this out so you are aware of our January meeting for the 20th, at the Fall City Firehouse at 9am. Those wishing to have breakfast will meet at the Raging River Cafe at 8am.
I hope everyone enjoyed Piero’s visit and the techniques he demonstrated for us. I found a few nuggets, although I will not be tying in hand anytime soon. I found the group enthusiastically watching, asking questions and being involved throughout the sessions. With that, I want to build on some of what Piero did for our next meeting. I want to have a “Techniques” meeting, focusing on Mixed Wings, Stacked Wings and tippets in strands. 
Please take some time and review the Cork Collection, here you can see simple patterns utilizing mixed wings, which I will focus on for our patterns. There are a few simplistic patterns, namely The Grey & Crottle (J.O.Harold),Dark & Bright Claret (J.O. Harold), The Butcher. I have attached a few pictures of practice flies I’ve tied with no real pattern followed, just so you get the idea of what we will try to do. We will attempt the winging techniques of Hale, Kelson and Blacker, except we will not mix left and rights as Piero did for the wing. One thing I also have used are clear plastic materials clip when stacking wing materials to keep them in order, also a picture of that above as well. (*Amazon for about $20.00) You can use some of your not so great materials for these wings, goose, turkey (with stress marks), Mottled turkey, etc… so bring Dark turkey, GPTail, Peacock Wing, yellow, red, blue, lt. blue, green (goose or turkey), Bronze mallard, Woodduck, Pintail, Tippets (big ones), some seal furs, Grey, Claret, & Blue. I would use hooks from 1/0, 2/0, or 3/0 nothing too big. Will be fun!
We will also be finalizing our Roster for our February meeting. Albany is coming in March, and The York’s have stepped up again, and will host the yearly extravaganza at their home. Directions and other info will follow soon. Aaron also mentioned the Flyfishing / tying show in February held in Bellevue’s Maydenbaur center, a few of us will be tying there as well, it will be held Feb 17-18 I believe. So our Feb meeting date will be moved up to the 10th.
If you have any questions just send me an email. But take the time to look at the Cork Collection and get motivated!
Lunch will be served, cold beverages, and the coffee will be on! Until then, I wish all of you a Merry Christmas, and a Happy New Year!

November 2023 Meeting

Hello everyone!
Just wanted to get this out to all of you so you can practice before the meeting! Our November meeting will be held on Saturday November 18th, at the Fall City  Firehouse at 9am.
Those wanting breakfast will meet at the Raging River Cafe at 8am.
Our yearly Dues are due ($40) and to facilitate things you may pay using PayPal  through Megan. Her email is: brocco.megan@gmail.com  
You may also pay for shirts with her as well, hopefully this will speed things up for members so we can get our 2024 Roster available to everyone.
Shirts are ready to be picked up for those who have not done so. Any other embroidery items you may want done can be given to me and I will take care of it with our business, see me with any questions.
Last call for Shellac, anyone wanting a bottle please let me know before the meeting, I will have them for you. No charge.
Our December Meeting with Piero is all set up and ready to go. Linda has worked very hard to bring this quality tier to the Guild. I need to have anyone who plans on going to the pre get together on Friday evening at The Bachand’s home to PLEASE contact Linda to confirm that you will attend. Linda has also set up reservations for dinner after the Saturday session with Piero, and also needs to have a final headcount. Please let Linda know on this too.
Piero and Byron will have “Fly Kits’ available to members for a nominal fee, so you can try some in hand tying. Kits are $20.00 If you are interested let Linda know this as well. She has worked tirelessly on behalf of the Guild to bring you a great weekend, thank you Linda!!
If you need a new name tag please let Nick Riggs or myself know, Nick has been working on our new look!
Ok, on to this months Fly, Moray Doone.
I have stripped, cleaned and dyed the Quills required to tie this pattern, (will have them for you) thanks to Steve for providing all the quills for this, much appreciated Steve!
It also calls for pink floss, I will have that as well. You will need a small yellowish fuzzy hackle (wolly bugger marabou) or as it calls for Hen Pheasant thigh hackle, dyed yellow. I also think a yellow saddle hackle could work, just keep the fuzzy fibers at the butt intact. A Widgeon hackle for a throat, Jungle cock, and a slim wing. I will also show how to accomplish a Herl head too!! 
Call or text me if you have questions, should be fun!
Lunch will be provided, coffee will be on, and beverage’s will be in the cooler!
Keep- those bobbin’s turning!

October 2023 Meeting

Hello everyone! Getting fired up for our October meeting this Saturday the 14th at the Fall City Firehouse at 9am. Hoping for a big turnout and sharing some useful tid-bits of information to help your tying. I was asked to resend the Pattern of the month, so here it is.
Remember, Dues are due. You can send it to Megan online, or pay Steve or I, this way we can get our roster updated for everyone.
Anyone who did not get a bottle of Shellac at the last meeting, please let me know so I can make them up for you, I’ll bring them with me.
We should have our meeting set up for our out of state members viewing online.
Looking forward to seeing you all there, coffee will be ready for ya’!

April 2023 Meeting

Just wanted to reach out and give you the Monthly meeting info again, we will be tying Kelson’s The Bachelor. I chose this fly to allow us enough time to finish a fly in our allotted time. We will meet on Saturday April 15th at the Fall City Firehouse at 9am. Those wanting breakfast will meet at the Raging River cafe at 8am. 
I also wanted to thank all those who attended the Albany Expo, we had a really good showing for our little guild! The dinner at Todd’s was a huge success as our resident chef Steve Morton cooked up a beautiful Paella, it was delicious! We decided to take up a donation for Steve and our group alone raised $550.00 plus some awesome Steelhead flies for him. Thank you all, we had 22 members attend! Such a good showing!
This meeting I would like to extend our meetings so those who travel will get the full benefit of our meeting. With that being said, we will be taking a lunch break with the guild picking up pizza for the group. I will bring a cooler with beverages for us. I think leaving the firehouse at noon is cutting us short on allowing time for help, discussions and completing a fly, or at least getting close to completing one. Let’s see how we do this month and decide if it works or not. I will be available to help anyone requiring a little assistance, or help with the fly.
I stopped by the Embroider today and the shirts are in, the artwork selected, along with proper spelling of names, sizes and color of shirt. I don’t know if they will be done by Saturday or not…we’ll see. But, the ball is rolling at last!  
Finally, the infamous “Guild” Hat has been found, and brought to Todd’s house for its newest member to be announced. We proudly presented the Feathered Fedora, beautifully adorned with plumes, beaks and other plumage to one of our old members Hunter Bachand! This man deserves the bounty of the Bird, he constantly teaches new members, keeps beautiful notes and shares those things  with anyone who needs them. Congratulations Hunter, we’re proud of you!
That should do it for now. See you all the 15th!


Albany 2023 Expo Photos

Here are some photos from the 2023  Albany Expo: