Monthly Archives: October 2014

November 15, 2014 Meeting Information

November 15, 2014 Meeting Information

Where: Issaquah Library Administration Bldg.
When: Breakfast at the Issaquah Cafe at 8:00

The Fly: Green Doctor ( I have no photo but one of the Yellow doctor!)
TAG:  Fine oval tinsel and yellow floss
TAIL:  Topping and indian crow
BUTT:  Red wool
BODY:  Yellow floss
HACKLE:  grass green from second rib
RIB:  Oval silver
THROAT:  Gallina
WINGS:  tippet in strands. Bustard,golden pheasant tail, yellow,red,green,light blue swan (turkey), Bronze mallard, GP Topping
SIDES:  Jungle cock
HORNS:  Blue and yellow macaw
HEAD:  Red wool
Photo is of YELLLOW DOCTOR to give you an idea
Yellow Dr
Membership dues , $40, should be made out to NWASFG and given to Steve Brocco.
HOBIE, yes you, will be in charge of material grab box. Please cull out old materials that possibly others can use in and donate to “the material box”…I’ll bring box for Hobie to next meeting
Steve Brocco has some “mini prints” of hairy tying…..$15 if you are interested.
We are working on Ryan Houston (Ireland) to come out and present for weekend after the 1st of the year
Please get flies to Hunter Bachand….He is right in procuring some flies from our current mebers for the archives.
Please submit photos, if you desire,  to Garren Wood for the website. BTW….Nice job on the website Garren !!! A lot of positive reports  !!!
Future EXPOS:
Albany, Oregon…March 13th and 14th, 2015
Ellensburg, WA…..May 1,2,3  2015
North Lewiston..Late March i assume…no date yet
IFFF…Bend, Oregon August 11th15th
I will announce a time for  a 2016 ASFI feasibility meeting this week for those who are interested.
Good to see you tyers,
Smooth as Silk,