Monthly Archives: December 2016

January 2017 Meeting

Hi Tyers,
Great meeting last time. Good to see many of you again and despite the weather a very good turnout.
Our next meeting will be at The Issaquah Library Administration Bldg. on Saturday , January 21st  starting at 9:00am.  Breakfast location is still undecided. I’m leaving that up to Kristin since Issaquah Cafe cannot fill our needs.
Please bring your $40.00 dues to the meeting and give to Steve Brocco. Checks should be made out to NWASFG.
We will be tying the Notion ala John Olschewsky :
The pattern recipe is slightly different than photo….woodcock vs wood duck


“Notion” tied by John Olschewsky
Other News,
If you are going to Albany…the chili feed will be at Todd Yorke’s on Saturday  march 11th.
Also, The February meeting will feature Alberto Calozari from Italy. He will be tying and discussing all things Blacker.
Smooth as Silk,