For the December meeting as requested by Mark and Don we will tie a fly that is reflective of the season: This is “King Christmas” a freestyle fly that appeared in a Dick Talleur 1992 calendar. The meeting will be at 9:00am on the 11th. Also attached is the Teams link. I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving.
Tip and Tag: Silver oval and gold silk
Tail: A topping and kingfisher
Butt: Red wool
Body: 1/3 silver floss, 2/3 red floss
Ribs: flat silver and silver twist
Hackle – White
Throat – Grizzly or Guinea dyed red
Underwing – Amherst tippets
Wing – red, yellow, green, white, bustard with peacock over and a topping.
Side – summer duck
Cheek – Jungle Cock
Head – red