Monthly Archives: January 2023

January 2023 Meeting

Sorry I couldn’t make it yesterday. I hope all who participated had a good time. Our January meeting will be the weekend of the 14th and 15th. As mentioned before Glenn Wilson will be demonstrating for everyone. He will tie the Black Doctor on Saturday. Sunday he will show how he does certain parts of a fly as requested by you. So think about parts you would like to see and on Saturday that can be discussed amongst members with Glenn. Both days will start at 9:00am at the Fall City fire hall with breakfast at 8:00am at the Raging River cafe for those interested. There will be a teams link sent out for those who would like to watch but can’t be there in person. Also Todd Yorke is willing to put on the chili feed at his house Friday night March 10th. So for those that will be at the Albany show think about it and let me know by the end of next month so he can have an idea of how many will be there. The reason for Friday instead of Saturday is some members like myself may be planning to head home Saturday after the show. Please let me know if Friday is a problem and we can adjust if it affects to many. For those who wanted Cellire, Steve is working on it. I will let you know once I hear. Looking ahead the February meeting will be the 18th and the March meeting the 25th. Have a merry Christmas and Happy new year.

Happy New Year everyone! Wanted to take a few minutes to bring everyone up to speed as to where we are at the present time. Due to some issues Dareld has stepped down as President, and I have been asked to take it on. If there are no problems with that, then I’m your Huckleberry. Other Guild administrators are as follows: Steve Brocco, Treasurer, meeting room arraigned, book purchases, guest tier costs. Linda Bachand and Rocky Hammond will serve as our International and Domestic Ambassadors they will secure guest visitor/Tyers to the group. Hunter Bachand will serve as our Fly Archivist. Public Relation and Hosts will be Kristen Macy and Britt Davenport, they will order shirts, name tags, business cards and related materials for the group. IT will be done by Mark Spaur, setting up equipment for virtual presentations at the meetings. Internet Website will be done by Garren Wood, maintaining our website and Facebook page. Library will be Dareld Thompson, unless he doesn’t have the time. Provides books, and other Guild related materials from our Library. You must order these two weeks in advance to the meeting so they can be brought to the meeting.
We can discuss this at our upcoming meeting this January 14-15th.
January Meeting is a two day tying weekend, both Saturday and Sunday at the Firehouse. Saturday I will be demonstrating Pryce-Tannatt’s Black Doctor. This pattern has most of the steps required in a full dress fly. As usual I will talk my way through the fly as it’s tied. Questions are welcomed, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Sunday, if we have enough members to make it worthwhile, I will be addressing things that members have requested, so far that would be: sides, mallard roof techniques, splitting Jay hackles and selecting, preparing and tying in Tails (Golden Pheasant). If you have a request PLEASE get a hold of me so I can add those things. I have to prepare hooks up to the requested items. 
Well, that’s it for now, sorry it was long winded, but I felt you all needed to know what’s going on. By the way, it’s YOUR Guild!