
The Guild is a non profit membership organization established to:

  • Cultivate the Art, Science,, History and Practice of fly tying for Anadromous Fish, hereafter referred to as Salmon
  • Improve, Facilitate and Promote the exchange of knowledge of fly tying for Salmon
  • Promote conservation of all natural resources
    Encourage the use of Substitute materials in place of Feathers & Furs from threatened and endangered species
  • Elevate the standard of Intergrity, Honor and Courtesy of Salmon Fly tiers
  • Cherish the spirit of fellowship among Salmon Fly tyers everywhere

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Eric Foch


    My name is Eric Foch and am interested in becoming a member to the Northwest Atlantic Salmon Fly Guild. I am checking to see if any requisite knowledge is needed to join? I have been tying mostly trout flies since high school but have always wanted to learn how to tie Atlantic Salmon flies. If any one can join the Guild, then does the membership fee cover costs of materials for the fly tying sessions? I realize your May meeting is the last before autumn but would like to join late if possible.

    Thank you,


    1. garren Post author

      Hi Eric,
      Anyone is welcome to join. You are welcome to come to a meeting to check things out before you join. The membership fee does not cover the cost of materials for the fly tying sessions. Tyers bring their own materials for tying meetings.

  2. Dennis Dokken

    Hi Eric, I’m a former member. I moved to Spokane WA in 2010. It was difficult for me to go to meetings but I stayed in touch with some members. I miss placed my phone contacts. Because of health reasons I’m selling some of my collection ( full skins, golden pheasant crests, books, and more. I thought of the Guild members first but need a phone number. I’m still tying just not as much.
    Thanks, Dennis Dokken 509-269-3033


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