Category Archives: ASFI 2016

Atlantic Salmon Fly International Video

The ASFI itself was a fantastic event, it is by far the best show i have attended. It was like one big family all getting together and doing what they love and are passionate about. Old friends together and many new friends made. It was a fantastic experience. I cannot thank you all and your team for making me so welcome and looking after not just me but us all.

The Saturday night at the banquet will be an experience that will stay with me for a long time. There was so much fun, some great sadness in the room and also so much generosity by many people. I have never seen so many people so emotional in the one room when the auction took place for Hoebies mother. It has restored my faith in humanity. Also when the fly tying tools were given to young Tyler after he announced on stage that he himself had a disability and had overcome it set the tears going again.

I cannot thank you all enough for what was a wonderful experience and a fantastic show.”


Paul Harkin

May 2016 Meeting

Hi Tyers,

Our next meeting will be at The Issaquah Library Administration Bldg. on Saturday May14th starting at 9:00am. breakfast at the Issaquah Cafe at 8:00.

Other News;
If you have any items for the ASFI 2016 auction PLEASE bring them to next meeting !!! The event is upon us!!!
I will be emailing an attachment of a promotional poster for the ASFI event along with a couple of descriptive paragraphs for your website and or  Facebook page and share !!!  Get the word out!!!!
Also, I will have final Ghillie assignment of duties for ASFI 2016 at the March 19th meeting for your perusal and try to email it to you beforehand
Next IFFF tying meeting: Ellensburg Show  April 29th and 30th,2016
For our final meeting of the season we will be tying the Wilson. Photo by Glenn Wilson
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October Meeting

Hi Tyers,

Our First meeting will be at The Issaquah Library Administration Bldg. on Saturday October 10th starting at 9:00am. breakfast at the Issaquah Cafe at 8:00.

The FLY: Golden Drop (Kelson)
Golden Drop
Hook: Bartleet 1/0
Tag:  Gold twist and cream silk
Tail:  A topping and Jungle cock
Butt:  Black Herl
Body:  In two sections; No. 1, gold tinsel and silver ribs, butted with toucan and black herl; No. 2, black silk and gold rib
Hackle:  Orange, from center.
Throat:  Jay
Wings:  Light mottled turkey, golden pheasant tail,, turkey or swan dyed orange, light green, and scarlet; gallina, mallard, and a topping.
Sides:  Jungle cock
Horns:  Blue macaw
Other NEWS:
Please pay your dues of $40.00 USD made out to NWASFG at the meeting and give to Steve Brocco  or mail to:
Steve Brocco
36515 SE 56th
Fall City WA 98024
United States of America
The Hoebie Swap Box will return with Nick Ricks in charge. I’ll bring the box the first meeting. The idea is to cull out odds and ends of your material and put in box for the other tyers that possibly could use.
Also, If you have any nice stuff worthy for the ASFI Expo next June…Please bring to the meeting and give to Jesse, Dareld, or Nick… Please put in nice plastic bag for protection… Megan will be bringing a description form to fill out and place in bag with item. We have already received some VERY nice donations and would like more. Good opportunity to clean up your fly tying abode !
We will also have a sign up list for those who want to help and participate in the event. We have 62 tyer/hookmakers signed up and this is YOUR opportunity to reach out and learn from the best !! If you cannot make it to the meeting and want to participate please email me.
For those interested we are having an ASFI committee meeting on October 3rd , 11:00 am at my house !!!
I am looking forward to seeing you again and tying during the dark hours of winter……and no electricity !!!
Smooth as silk,