Author Archives: garren
January 2023 Meeting
December 2022 Meeting
Great November meeting. Always fun to sit around afterwards and talk about tying and whatever else comes up. Our next meeting will be December 17th at the Fall City fire hall at 9:00am. Breakfast at 8:00am at the Raging River cafe in Fall City as well. The pattern will be the Queen of Autumn by Kelson. Also Glenn Wilson has agreed to demonstrate for us at our January meeting. This could be a Saturday and Sunday event if there is enough interest. I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. See you in a few weeks.
November 2022 Meeting
Our next meeting will be November 19th at the Fall City fire hall at 9:00am. Breakfast at 8:00am at the Raging River cafe in Fall City as well. The fly will be the Brora as tied by Megan Boyd. Her style of tying flies has had a huge impression on me and many others for sure for good reason. I think she is one of the most celebrated tiers of all time and well deserved. Moving on, club dues is due and I want to get a current roster so please send it to Megan Brocco thru PayPal or send a check to Steve Brocco at the addresses below. Thank you both for your help with this! Please email me once you have sent your payment so I can work to get an accurate roster of active members by December 1st. This is a lot of work for a person with a full time job and and family stuff so please only email me once you commit. Also in work is the chance of getting a guest tier for after the new year. See you in a few weeks.
October 2022 Meeting
I hope you all had a great summer and are ready to get back together as a group and start tying again. Our October 22nd meeting will be at at the Fire hall in Fall City. Unfortunately the library is still not available but Steve will keep checking. For those interested breakfast will be at the Raging River Cafe at 8:00am. The pattern will be the Lord Magdale. Also for those who don’t know the tying expo in Albany Oregon is scheduled for 2023 on March 10th and 11th.Hope to see you all in a month.
May 2022 Meeting
The date for our May meeting will be May 14th at 9:00am at the Fall city fire hall. Next Saturdays meeting will be the test to see how the virtual part will work out. Breakfast will be at the Raging River Cafe in Fall city at 8:00 for those interested. The pattern will be the Corbett as found in the Hardy Salmon Flies book. Also Dennis Dokken has sent me some materials that he is wanting to sell so I will have that at the May meeting also. There are a couple of Wood duck skins Several different pheasant skins including Silver, Peacock, and Tragopan along with many other items. Dennis has everything priced and will be available by phone to answer any questions. For those that will not be attending in person I will get the Teams link out for the meeting in another email.
April 2022 Meeting
February 2022 Meeting
December 2021 Meeting
For the December meeting as requested by Mark and Don we will tie a fly that is reflective of the season: This is “King Christmas” a freestyle fly that appeared in a Dick Talleur 1992 calendar. The meeting will be at 9:00am on the 11th. Also attached is the Teams link. I hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving.
Tip and Tag: Silver oval and gold silk
Tail: A topping and kingfisher
Butt: Red wool
Body: 1/3 silver floss, 2/3 red floss
Ribs: flat silver and silver twist
Hackle – White
Throat – Grizzly or Guinea dyed red
Underwing – Amherst tippets
Wing – red, yellow, green, white, bustard with peacock over and a topping.
Side – summer duck
Cheek – Jungle Cock
Head – red
November 2021 Meeting
Tyers –
Our meeting for November will be the 20th at 9:00 am
We will be all tying together, rather than having someone present. We will be tying The Queen of Spring: Please get your dues paid to Steve or Megan ($40.00) if you haven’t already.
Steve Brocco
36515 SE 56th Street
Fall City, Wa.
You can also use PayPal if you prefer using Megan Brocco’s account, see below.
Tag: Silver twist and canary silk
Tail: A topping and summer duck
Butt: Black ostrich herl
Ribs: Gold lace and silver tinsel
Body: Silver tinsel and black silk in equal sections.
Throat: Jay
Main Wing: Tippet, Amherst pheasant and golden pheasant tail, grey mallard, swan dyed canary, red and light blue, mallard above and two toppings over all.
Sides: Jungle Cock
Cheeks: Blue chatterer
Horns: Blue macaw
Radencich’s Classic Salmon Fly Patterns has an excellent example of the Queen of Spring tied by Byron. I could not take a picture from the book that would do Byron’s work justice.
Here is another example from the web