October 2021 Meeting

Tyers below is the meeting link and pattern Mark will be tying on the 23rd of this month at 9:00am Pacific time. Please tie along if you can. Also it is time for dues ($40.00) if you have not paid already please send a check to Steve Brocco his address is 

36515 SE 56th Street
Fall City, Wa. 

You can also use PayPal if you prefer using Megan Brocco’s account, see below. 


Thanks and see you in a couple of weeks. 

Please forward this meeting invite to the membership.  We will be tying the Benchill.  This was an “alternate fly” to a blacker style fly that we were tying in 2018, but I think this is a good “warm up” fly for the 2021 – 2022 Guild Season

Here is a photo of an antique Benchill and the recipe. 

TAG:  Gold tinsel 
TAIL:  A GP topping and pheasant breast feather 
BUTT:  Black Ostrich Herl 
BODY:  Orange, Scarlet, Claret, and pale blue seal. The photo shows yellow, orange/ red, and blue. Which I see often
RIBS:  Flat silver tinsel and silver lace 
THROAT:  Pale blue 
UNDERWING:  GP Tippets back to back 
WING:  Peacock,scarlet and blue dyed turkey, golden phesant, and bustard . Topping over
CHEEKS:  Speckled gallina with Jungle cock over them 

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